IMRaD Paper
Study on University of Iowa Students’ Opinion on GMOs Hunter Brown University of Iowa Abstract Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are any organism – plant, animal, bacteria – that has a modified genome and may be the answer to help answer the food production problem in the world. As GMOs become more mainstream in the food supply, many people are questioning if GMOs are truly safe to eat. This study gauged what University of Iowa students think about GMOs and what research should be done to ensure the safety of GMOs. Additionally, two interviews with a professor of genetics and a produce expert were conducted to discuss the literature of GMOs. We found that most students are not picky when buying groceries, pro-GMO, but they are worried about the long-term effects of a majority GMO diet. This study may be used to shift the focus of research to persuade public opinion on the safety of GMOs. Study on University ...