Article Summaries

A.  World health Organization. 2005. Modern food biotechnology, human health and development: an evidence-based study.

i.) The objectives of this paper were to inform the reader what GMOs are and how they influence our crops and livestock in a positive and negative way. They evaluated how the dangers of GMOs can affect humans and how it should be regulated.
ii.) The main results and conclusions were that the R&D of livestock GMOs are in early testing and the risks of GMOs harming humans are low and regulatory practices as of now should be left alone. WHO should pursue to educate people about GMOs.
iii.) The research method used in this paper was the evaluation of the current state of GMOs and assessed future predicaments of GMO usage.
iv.) The paper is relevant to my topic because it shows potential hazards of GMOs being shipped and consumed around the world. It heavily relies on other papers' data and interprets how helpful and harmful GMOs are to the people.

B.   Ludwig, K. A. 2018. Is our environment ready for Roundup? Investigation of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and their indirect effects on the environment. Alfred University Honors Program.

i.) The objectives of this paper were to show the correlation of the increase usage of roundup and herbicide resistant GM crops and the decrease in certain species of frogs, monarch butterflies, and milkweed.
ii.) The main results and conclusions were that if more glyphosate resistant crops are used, then more roundup will be applied that will indirectly affect the ecosystem.
iii.) The research methods used in this paper was reviewing previous literature of the effects of glyphosate on nonresistant crops and observed the survivalbility and pollination of affected and non affected crops.
iv.) This paper is relevant to my topic because it highlights the issues of GM crops with non discriminant herbicide on the ecosystem. I hope to use this to tailor my observations to the accessories that comes along with GMOs.

C. Barbarade Santisa, Norbert Stockhofeb, Jean-Michel Wal, Eefke Weesendorp, Jean-Paul Lallèsg, Jeroenvan Dijk, Esther Kok, Marzia De Giacomo, Ralf Einspanier, Roberta Onoria, Carlo Brera, Paul Bikker, Janvan der Meulen, G. Kleterd. Case studies on genetically modified organisms (GMOs): Potential risk scenarios and associated health indicators. 2018. Elsevier, 117, p. 36-65.

i) The objectives/research questions of this paper were to measure health indicators of potential effects of Gm crops after they are introduced to the market in Europe.
ii) The main results and conclusions were no noticeable effects were measured aside from possible reduced mycotoxins and improved nutrition.
iii) The research methods used in this paper was review case reports and measure any changes in the health of European citizens.
iv) This paper is relevant to my topic because it shows how a health conscious continent studies the lack of negative effects of people buying, transporting, and consuming GM crops.

D. Verma, C., Nanda, S., Singh, R.K., Singh, R.B., Mishra, S. A Review on Impacts of Genetically Modified Food on Human Health. 2011. The Open Nutraceuticals Journal, 4, 3-11

i) The objectives/research questions of this paper were how GM crops have a positive and negative impact on the agricultural community.
ii) The main results and conclusions were that GM crops have mostly positive effects agriculturally and show positive and negative effects in animal testing.
iii) The research methods used in this paper were showcasing results of previous literature regarding animal tests after consuming the GM crop, how agencies have responded to GM crops, and the before and after effects of GM crops planted in farms.
iv)  This paper is relevant to my topic because it shows the agricultural side of GMO planting and uses animal testing to prove the safety and lack thereof of GMOs.


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